If you have had a positive experience through the work of a specific charity, what better way to pay them back for their efforts than to raise some money for them? You may not have personally been helped by the organization, however, you may really believe in their causes. The desire to make money from your enterprises and then donate it to a cause you really believe in is quite common. Here are some great suggestions of ways that you can raise funds for your chosen charity.
Hold A Bake Sale
Everyone loves cakes. And that is why bake sales are a great way of making money for charities. Find somewhere locally that will allow you to use their premises for free. You may be able to use a community center, church hall, or even a local shop or school.
You can ask friends and family and others in the local community if they would be happy to contribute too. Cakes are obviously a winner, but it needn’t end there. You could include drinks, sausage rolls, quiches, you could even make your own cranberry chutney and sell it by the jar.
It seems like every other day there is a running event held in a nearby town or city. If you are a keen runner or would like to push yourself to try to be, why not try running for a good cause? The longer the run, the more likely you are to get people to sponsor you. If you are raising for a cause that lots of other people believe in too, you may find that friends, family, neighbors, and work colleagues will all be very generous in their donations.
Getting sponsorship for events such as this is very easy, and can very often be done online. By sharing your sponsorship website on social media you will also be able to reach a wider range of people.
Host A Fundraiser
People love to socialize, and one way that you can earn money for charity is by hosting a fundraising event. Find a venue that will help you to come up with a menu for a buffet or a meal for the event. Come to an agreement on the cost per head, which allows the venue to cover their costs while the rest of the money goes to charity. Then, invite as many people as you can and sell tickets to the event.
You may even want to go around local businesses and ask for donations that you can use as raffle prizes. By selling raffle tickets you will be able to increase the amount you raise considerably.
Think about asking a local band or performer to come and provide entertainment for the night for free.
Share In Your Success
However much you raise from any of these events, be sure and share the information with your local community so that those who got involved or attended to help out with anything will know.
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